What is Automatic TRON Profits?
Automatic TRON Profits is an advertising/income online business based on the TRON Token.
What do I get by purchasing at Automatic TRON Profits?
You receive advertising credits that can be used to advertise via Login Ads, Text Ads and Banners Ads to a highly targeted membership base. You also enter our ATP commission structure where you can earn TRON via the matrix and passively via our 300% Activity Revenue Sharing System.
Can I earn without referrals at Automatic TRON Profits?
It is possible to earn without referrals but we highly recommend that you refer others to Automatic TRON Profits to purchase advertising because that allows you to earn much quicker.
Are there benefits to making referrals?
Yes, your income will grow much, much faster than waiting for spillover, spill up or relying solely on the 300% Activity Revenue Sharing System.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept payments and pay instant commissions via TRON (TRX).
Why don’t you accept credit cards or Paypal?
Both credit cards and Paypal are expensive to accept and have the risk of chargeback which puts the company at risk. TRON is “Non-recourse” meaning there is no risk of chargeback and loss to the company.
When and how often do you pay commissions?
Members become commissions eligible when they activate through Level 5. After the first 5 levels are active we automatically process commissions when the available balance hits 1,200 TRON. The member can manually process a withdrawal at any time. The minimum manual withdrawal is 100 TRON.
What is the minimum withdrawal?
The minimum manual withdrawal is 100 TRON. You must be upgraded to level 5 in order to withdraw. Commissions are processed automatically each time the available balance reaches 5,600 TRON.
Is there a deposit fee?
We do have a small deposit fee of 2%.
Is there a withdrawal fee?
The member pays the actual network transaction fees.
Can I earn as a free member?
No, only members that have purchased our initial advertising package can earn matrix income or from the 300% Activity Revenue Sharing System.
What is the comp plan structure?
Automatic TRON Profits has 10 levels of 2 x 4 matrices that start at 100 TRON for Level 1 and increase by 100 TRON to 1,000 TRON at Level 10. The matrix pays out 10% on Level 2, 15% on Level 3 and 25% on Level 4. The last 4 positions on Level 4 cover the cost of the automatic reentry.
How does the 300% Activity Revenue Sharing System Work?
Half of our revenue is paid out via the 2 x 4 matrix and half goes into the 300% Activity Revenue Sharing System. 2% of the activity sharing system pool is distributed daily in equal shares to all qualified members. To qualify the member must log into their back office at least once each day and also have an active matrix with total earnings (revenue sharing and matrix income combined) less than 3x the level purchase price. After the member earns 300% or more they can no longer earn revenue shares for that matrix until they cycle and open a new matrix at the same level. All 10 levels work the same way and have their own revenue sharing pool.
Are there automated upgrades?
Yes, Level 1 must be manually purchased but the remaining 9 levels (2-10) are auto upgraded. Meaning, as soon as the member has the funds to upgrade to the next level in their available balance they are auto upgraded to the next level until they are active in all 10 Levels.
Is there a PIF system?
Yes, Automatic TRON Profits does have a PIF system. You may PIF any of your direct referrals into any level from your Available funds.
Can I have multiple accounts?
You may open multiple accounts but you will need to use a different email address.
Is Automatic TRON Profits open for purchase by people from all countries?
Yes, anyone with a TRON can purchase advertising at Automatic TRON Profits.
What do we get for each level in Automatic TRON Profits?
You will receive the following credits for each level purchased
Level 1: 100 TRON (25 Login Ad Credits, 200 Banner Credits, 200 Text Ad Credits)
Level 2: 200 TRON (50 Login Ad Credits, 400 Banner Credits, 400 Text Ad Credits)
Level 3: 300 TRON (75 Login Ad Credits, 600 Banner Credits, 600 Text Ad Credits)
Level 4: 400 TRON (100 Login Ad Credits, 800 Banner Credits, 800 Text Ad Credits)
Level 5: 500 TRON (125 Login Ad Credits, 1,000 Banner Credit, 1,000 Text Ad Credits)
Level 6: 600 TRON (150 Login Ad Credits, 1,200 Banner Credit, 1,200 Text Ad Credits)
Level 7: 700 TRON (175 Login Ad Credits, 1,400 Banner Credits, 1,400 Text Ad Credits)
Level 8: 800 TRON (200 Login Ad Credits, 1,600 Banner Credits, 1,600 Text Ad Credits)
Level 9: 900 TRON (225 Login Ad Credits, 1,800 Banner Credits, 1,800 Text Ad Credits)
Level 10: 1,000 TRON (250 Login Ad Credits, 2,000 Banner Credits, 2,000 Text Ad Credits)
Does Automatic TRON Profits offer refunds?
No, there are no refunds for any reason. Please make sure to read all the details about the product(s), compensation plan, TOS, Privacy Policy, etc. before making a decision to purchase.
Who Owns Automatic TRON Profits?
Automatic TRON Profits is owned by Dustin Langley and Frank Hester